Justin Bieber Ditimpuk - Video Youtube

Justin Bieber Ditimpuk - Video Youtube Justin Bieber Dilempar Botol Jutaan Pengunjung YouTube Nonton 'Justin Bieber Ditimpuk' - Senin (16/8/2010), video Bieber ini langsung menempati posisi teratas sebagai 'Most Recomended' video. Bahkan empat dari lima daftar video yang direkomendasikan di YouTube berisi video mengenai Justin Bieber.

Although this incident happened at the end of December last, the video Justin Bieber thrown by the audience something even appear now and just create a splashy YouTube visitor.

Monday (08/16/2010), video Bieber directly occupying the top position as the 'Most Recomended' video. Even four of the five recommended list of videos on YouTube contains videos about Justin Bieber.

Since then posted on August 2, the video is pretty embarrassing Justin Bieber had attracted approximately 1,105,880 visitors. From these figures, as many as 10.259 visitors for comment.

Comments which go partly expressed grief over what happened to Bieber. But not a few also expressed pleasure and gratitude for having such embarrassing Bieber. Apparently, not all teenagers in the U.S. like the singer 'Baby' this.

In the video, Bieber was filling the show titled 107.9 The End's Concert in Sacramento, California, USA organized by the national radio station. Not long, while praising the fans and the concert audience, suddenly a spectator threw something that allegedly contains the plastic drinks bottle in the direction Bieber and got on his right forehead.

But in the video lasted 25 seconds it is not explained if the thrown bottle of mineral water but rather a bag of snacks and a T-shirt wrapped in Christmas wrapping paper.

"Ouch! That seems not very good," Bieber said after the incident, as she hurriedly improve the position of a typical hair bangs it.

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